Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is a collection of documents, such as reports, policies, survey results and statistics, relevant to Open Access (OA) policies regarding OA books in the European Research Area. The collection was created as part of the PALOMERA project. In a nutshell, PALOMERA seeks to understand why so few OA funder policies include books, and to provide actionable recommendations to change this.
Recent Submissions
Questionnaire of the PALOMERA Survey on Open Access Book Policies
(2023) Dreyer, Malte; Stone, Graham; Tummes, Jan-Philip; Pogačnik, Aleš; Varachkina, Hanna; Bandura Morgan, Laura; Păltineanu, Sînziana; Proudman, Vanessa; Redhead, Claire; Manista, Gabriela; Laakso, Mikael; Pinter, Frances; Gaillard, Vinciane; Maryl, Maciej; Saenen, Bregt; Kingsley, Danny; Silva Ferreira, Nelson Henrique; Stern, Niels
This questionnaire was created as part of the PALOMERA survey on open access policies for books in the European research area (focusing on the needs, obstacles and challenges of policy-making for open access books).
PALOMERA D5.3 - Validation Report
(2024) Rabar, Ursula; Mounier, Pierre
The PALOMERA deliverable 5.3 Validation Report is an overview of the validation process used within the project to manage the validation of the project’s Key Exploitable Results (Knowledge Base, data analysis and recommendations) with a variety of relevant stakeholders across the diverse countries of the European Research Area and beyond. The validation exercises used several review and validation means (online annotation tools, review-a-thons, workshops and similar) and happened three times during the project. This deliverable reports the work carried out in all the validation exercises.
Report on the PALOMERA survey on open access policies for books in the European research area
(2024) Dreyer, Malte; Stone, Graham; Tummes, Jan-Philip; Gingold, Arnaud; Iannace, Davide Emanuele; Pogačnik, Aleš; Varachinka, Hanna; Bandura-Morgan, Laura; Barnes, Lucy; Laakso, Mikael; Manista, Gabriela; Mounier, Pierre; Păltineanu, Sînziana; Proudman, Vanessa; Redhead, Claire; Rooryck, Johan
As part of the data collection for the project ’Policy Alignment for Open Access Monographs in the European Research Area’ (PALOMERA), a survey was designed and distributed on the needs, obstacles and challenges of policy-making for open access books. It was directed at various stakeholder groups and aimed to identify attitudes and levels of knowledge about open access book policies in general and individual measures in particular. The report provides the result and overview of the survey with the questionnaire divided into six sections: 1) General information about the respondents; 2) Awareness of open access policy measures; 3) Stakeholders and players; 4) Attitudes towards the design of policies for open access for books; 5) Attitudes and policy measures for open access books; and 6) Policy measures.
PALOMERA D5.2 – Website, Communication Kit and Social Media Presence
(2023) Rabar, Ursula
The PALOMERA deliverable 5.2 Website, Communication Kit and Social Media Presence is an overview of the dedicated PALOMERA page under the OPERAS website umbrella, a guideline for the visual identity to be used in all communication/dissemination activities for the PALOMERA project and a summary of the planned social media presence via the project partners’ channels. Its strategic aim is to support the communication/dissemination activities regarding the project results and the engagement with key stakeholder groups throughout the project, as well as the impact and future exploitation of the project’s Key Exploitable Results (KERs). The document also includes the key facts and figures about the project that can be used as part of the messaging, and screenshots of the downloadable materials applicable in the communication/dissemination processes (within the Communication Kit available to the project partners via Google Drive). It has been developed as a complementary document to the deliverable 5.1 Dissemination, Outreach, Engagement, and Exploitation Plan further referred to with the PEDR acronym in the document ( The current document is a first draft and will be developed further based on the project's needs.
PALOMERA D1.1 – Internal rules and procedures to the consortium
(2023) Bitoune, Céline; Blotière, Emilie
The internal rules and procedures applicable to the PALOMERA EU funded project are primarily defined in the Consortium Agreement signed between all the beneficiaries, funded and unfunded. In addition to which a Project Information Management System (PIMS) implemented in Confluence1 provides a full knowledge base regarding the organisational management of the PALOMERA Project. The Project Information Management System (PIMS) is based on the FitSM Standard2. This deliverable describes these rules and procedures. It explains the overall functioning within the consortium and the rules that must be respected by each partner, on the one hand to be in line with obligations written in the Grant Agreement, and on the other hand to ensure fluid, efficient and respectful interactions between partners. It is intended to provide guidance and direction for internal governance and management, escalation procedure, internal communication, reporting procedures and internal review process applicable to the project outputs.