Excerpt #1

"Every author of an article released in a journal published by the EUB, or of a chapter released in an edited collection published by the EUB is allowed to post the final version (publisher version) of their article/chapter online in open access on a personal webpage, the website of their research unit and/or their open institutional repository, as well as any other not-for-profit archive immediately after publication (without embargo).

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Excerpt #2

"Monographs and edited collections cannot be shared, nor posted online in open access on any platform or archive as long as the book is available for sale through the EUB, in print or electronic format."


Excerpt #3

"Since 2006, the EUB have made available in open access all its sold out titles (monographs and edited collections), as well as a number of other out of print books.
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The author of a book listed in open access on the webpage of the EUB is authorized to post the integral version on their own personal webpage, the webpage of their research unit and/or their institution’s open archive. The publication’s complete bibliographical details should however be indicated on the webpage or open institutional archive (title, author/scientific editor, year of publication/volume, ISBN/ISSN, page numbers), alongside a hyperlink to the title on the EUB webpage.

Posting entire books (monographs/edited collections) on for-profit websites (like Academia.edu, Research Gate, Mendeley, Facebook, …) is forbidden."


Excerpt #4

"The EUB assists authors desiring to publish their work in open access (monograph or edited collection), or are required to do so in compliance with the Open Access policies of their funding agency (H2020/ERC). In the latter case, publication costs can be supported by said agency.

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