Excerpt #1
These recommendations concern peer-reviewed books and chapters in research books.
- Make funding for open access publication costs eligible only for peer-reviewed research books that are entirely open access or for chapters published in such books.
- At the same time as being published in open access by the publisher, request that the accepted author manuscript (MAA) be deposited in an open archive.
- For research works that have benefited from dedicated open access funding, give priority to open access as soon as the work is published and, in all cases, no later than one year after publication.
- Subject the eligibility of funding for open access to a set of criteria: peer review, Creative Commons licence, DOI CrossRef, formats. (2) - Use existing infrastructures and platforms (open archive, distribution platforms) to disseminate research works in open access.
- Limit funding for open access to the costs associated with the format(s) disseminated in open access.
- Indicate the name(s) of the funder(s) in the metadata and in the introductory pages of research works that have received financial support.
- Declare funding for open access in the section dedicated to OpenAPC research works.
- Transparently assess the costs associated with editing and publishing, in terms of the costs incurred.
- Consider the time needed to write, peer-review, edit and publish a research work as part of project-based funding. The creation of a fund dedicated to open access would make it possible to take account of the time needed for editing and publication, which is dissociated from research time.
- Specify the commitments of each party in the publishing contract and spell out the editorial added value provided by the scientific publisher: peer review, publishing, distribution and promotion.
- Ask the scientific publisher to describe precisely, and if possible in a standardised manner, the procedures used to evaluate the manuscript and the players involved.
- Publish research works in a format structured according to a standard that ensures that they are legible, accessible to people with disabilities, durable and reusable.
- Ensure that an ISBN is assigned to each form of the research work (PDF, HTML, ePub, etc.) and that a durable identifier (DOI CrossRef, URI, etc.) is assigned to digital formats.
- Apply a Creative Commons licence to content published in open access, in accordance with the recommendations available on https://creativecommons.org/. The licence should be agreed between the author and the publisher, comply with the terms of the contract and be specified in the contract.