Open access books

Did you know that you now have an Open Access (OA) book-publishing option with Elsevier?

If you are interested in submitting a book proposal please do so here.

What are my book open access options?


Gold open access


  • Publish in an open access book


  • Public access is the final published e-book
  • Access is immediate
  • A print on demand (POD) version of the book will also be made available to purchase


  • Open access publication fee is paid by the author or by a third party on their behalf for example by their institution   or funding body
  • The Book Publishing Charge is $1,700 per chapter in an edited work or $17,000 for an authored title, excluding tax


  • Open access books are made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND license. Find out more about copyright licenses here.


  • No royalty is paid on the open access e-book but authors will receive a royalty from sales of the POD version

Authors wishing to self-archive book chapters can continue to reach out to Global Rights to seek the relevant permissions.