Excerpt #1

“In this context, academic books are defined as long-form publications, including monographs, book chapters and edited collections, that have a title and an ISBN and that are the product of research financed by the Research Council of Norway.” (The Research Council of Norway, 2022, p. 1)


Excerpt #2

“Rather than adopting a uniform policy on OA books, cOAlition S has decided to draw up a set of overarching recommendations in line with the other Plan S Principles that all cOAlition S organisations will seek to adopt within their own remits and jurisdictions. The Research Council of Norway’s guidelines for open access to academic books complies with the principles of cOAlition S and is adapted to national conditions in dialogue with the academic communities.” (The Research Council of Norway, 2022, p. 1)


Excerpt #3

“The Research Council of Norway’s guidelines for open access for academic books

1. These guidelines apply to academic books that are the product of research funded by the Research Council of Norway.

2. All academic books based on research funded by the Research Council of Norway shall be made available open access.

3. The Research Council of Norway recommends immediate open access publication, but if an embargo period is required, it must not exceed 12 months after publication.

4. Academic books shall be published under a Creative Commons licence (CC-BY, CC-BY-ND or CC-BY-NC) or other licence with equivalent rights.

5. Authors or their institutions shall retain sufficient intellectual property rights to make their academic books available open access and allow for re-use.

6. Costs of academic books that are published open access without an embargo period under an open licence can be covered through direct project costs. Books with an embargo period cannot be funded through project costs.” (The Research Council of Norway, 2022, p. 1)