Recommendations For The Transition To Open Access In Austria / Empfehlungen Für Die Umsetzung Von Open Access In Österreich
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Very comprehensive analysis of the situation of the system of scientific communication in Austria with recommendations derived from it for the conversion to OA. Focus is emphatically and unambiguously on journals, even though it is repeatedly seen that communication via books exists and that there is also a need for action here. Summary form the Metadata: "Based on 16 recommendations, efforts should be made to achieve the following goal: By 2025, a large part of all scholarly publication activity in Austria should be Open Access. In other words, the final versions of most scholarly publications (in particular all refereed journal articles and conference proceedings) resulting from the support of public resources must be freely accessible on the Internet without delay (Gold Open Access). This goal should be pursued by taking into account the different disciplinary practices and under consideration of the different disciplinary priorisations of Open Access. The resources required to meet this obligation shall be provided to the authors, or the cost of the publication venues shall be borne directly by the research organisations. The necessary funding must be brought in line with the overall funding priorities for research." Note from the publiher: "the first version, published on 30/11/2015, represents recommendations of the expert group "National Strategy" of the Open Access Network Austria (OANA), see: This version, published on 23/5/2016, includes amendments of Universities Austria (uniko)"