Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal | Állásfoglalás a nyílt tudományról
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Established in March 2021 on the initiative of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, the Open Science Advisory Board developed a position paper on the principles of the development of the open science ecosystem, taking into account the results achieved so far, the existing open science programmes and initiatives in Hungary. The position paper has been developed along the lines of recommendations made by the European Commission (EC), the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), Science Europe and the European University Association (EUA), UNESCO and the International Science Council (ISC), in line with the initiatives set out in the Commission’s Communication on the European Research Area and the relevant principles of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The initiative aims to accelerate the creation of new knowledge, support education, stimulate innovation, and promote transparency of scientific processes and access to research results for the global professional community and society at large, by rapidly deploying models and infrastructures that implement the fundamental pillars of open science at home. An Enlish version of the document is available here: